
主要: 工商管理
未成年人: 金融 和 地球科学

What made you choose this major?

I chose the business administration major because I wanted to challenge myself 和 study something that I’m passionate about. I really like learning about the markets, 趋势, 和 how different businesses 和 organizations are run. My friends 和 family were also positive influences on my decision to major in business administration. They were encouraging 和 supportive of my choice by taking the time to discuss their careers with me.

What is your career objective? 

My primary career objective is to pursue a career in banking. Additionally, I plan on attending law school to study business or environmental law.

How has what you’ve learned in your courses so far prepared you for your future?  

The rigorous courses I took freshman 和 sophomore year laid the foundation for the classes I’m currently taking as a senior. 例如,我的 会计 和 finance classes taught me the basics which I’m still using in my upper level Investment Management course.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member 和 what impact has that had on your education?

Prior to an interview for a possible banking internship, I was able to meet with one of my professors who had previously worked in the field before coming to Carroll. He helped me to prepare for the interview by sharing his thoughts on banking as well as giving me tips for a successful interview.  

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

The most memorable experience I had at Carroll was in my Business Law class my junior year. We were paired up with a partner 和 had to argue a court case in front of the class. We had to prepare for the case by conducting background research on our client, 对方当事人, 和 reviewing case law that was pertinent to our case.  The class 和 assignment is what sparked my interest in law 和 I enjoyed the time I spent looking for facts 和 ways to argue my case.  

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

I started out as a business major with an earth science minor. I chose business because it was broad enough to capture a lot of my interests, 和 with advice from my advisor, 我还辅修了金融. My earth science interest comes from my years participating in summer camp classes 和 volunteering/interning at the Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG) in their horticulture department. My passion for the environment also came while earning my Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts. In addition to my academics, I have participated in 校内的 篮球和排球. 大二的时候, I was one of the founding members of a new campus chapter of the Sigma Tau Gamma 联谊会.  今年, I became the Vice President of 金融 for the Inter联谊会 Council where I get to work with all 联谊会 chapters on campus 和 manage the Council finances. This position has given me the opportunity to utilize a lot of the information I’ve learned in my business courses. 如你所见, 通过卡罗尔, I’ve been able to explore a lot of my interests without having to sacrifice my academics.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

I would tell prospective students that business is a very dynamic major with professors who are passionate about teaching 和 bring a great deal of real-world experience to the classroom. Also, there are many opportunities to meet 和 network with alumni in the business field. 

How has financial aid made a difference in your life?

我收到了两个 奖学金. One of them was academic 和 the other was the Hilger Tradition Award, granted to me because my father 和 aunt were Carroll graduates in 1988. I am very grateful to have received the 奖学金 from Carroll as they’ve really helped ease the burden of my student loans.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

校园 图书馆 is one of my favorite places for studying. I can choose to study on my own or collaborate with others in the group study rooms.  

Learn more about the business administration program

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